शनिवार, 25 अगस्त 2012

Some  feelings do not like ,
 the boundary walls of relationships ,
Are far more deep than words,
Its difficult to give them a name,
and  if  someone try,
to bound them,
 with the boundaries of relationships,,
they lose their beauty;
As the flowers that fade;
are impossible to blossom again.

मंगलवार, 14 अगस्त 2012


  I find my existence
  as the bubbles
raised from the water waves
to which the sun rays are hitting
Some Lessons from the image appear,
it often rise above the water surface
watches for a moment
spread itself open to the limitless sky
and wants to break
its relationship with water,
  to fly freely 
in the open sky,
but the next moment
  it reminds that
it does not have any existence ,
separated from the water
And then it starts to wait
to be again dissolved in the water

Now when u have come,
i have decided to live again,
to restart the journey,
to realize that i am alive,
Although it will be difficult for me
 to convince my mind and soul
that happiness is not  just a dream
but a reality that can be attained
in this world only....

Now when you have come
I have to forget
what i was ,
but to become
what you want me to be ,
Although for that
I will have  to kill my identity,
 of the past,
and take a rebirth
just for you
and because of you  ........

Now  when you have come
I want to forget the whole world ,
and to lost in your eyes
and find a new world of mine
where you and me
are always together ,
from one end
to the another ,
since you have become
my reason for existence,
So all i want
is to be in your arms
for today and always in my life.......

People say that
now or never
things happen,
but you always say that
Every good thing takes some time,
and since than
time is running
and I am waiting,
waiting for that moment
when the time will
stand still
and  you will
say that
now the time has come,
so I am waiting,
guessing that
why people say
that now or never
things-happen ...